Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The electric fence

  I once lived in a mysterious cottage, where I had the most revolting family members. We had a lot of mechanical objects, anyway they were no use. Everyone else in my family thinks that the cottage is absolutely fine, but I totally do not agree. One day, I decided to have a walk to a place where everywhere was cleaned, and tidied up. I dreamily gazed up at the sky. I felt a buzz feeling. I was stung by the electric fence. I forgot to tell you this

Friday, March 22, 2013

 Once upon a time there lived a poor girl named luna. Her full name is Luna Lily Lucy. She was very poor that she only could buy one little silk and silver coat. All the money she had was one nickel left. She loved mats and blankets so she bought a pair. When Luna was just a little baby that is one day old her lovely and  beautiful mother was dead by a dreadful war, the world war one, but Luna could survive by running away from the big war. She loved her mother so much that she kept her mother's special childhood album. This day Luna decided to have a lovely walk but it was raining so much that Luna thought that it might thunder also lots of rain will blow and rain. But with Luna's silk and silver coat could protect her. So she had a lovely walk in the rain but suddenly thunder and a cold breeze came just as Luna thought might happen. From the rain there fell one beatiful wand and Luna caught it and from the thunder there flew a glowing light bulb and from the cold breeze there flew a cold and freezing popcicle ice cream and Luna caught so in her hands she had a wand, a light bulb, and a popcicle stick.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The electric fence

once upon a time there lived a girl called sammi.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The kind princess

once apon a time there lived a girl called sammi. That girl is a very kind and good princess. one day, she founda very poor begger on the pathway with her family. The girl begger(which is 10 years old)said to the rest of here family:you can go back to our home now. I'll be out here searching for food. you go home. please? her mum said:ok okay alright okay. only if you come back on 3:00! The rest of the family went back to there not close to the kingdom poor house.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

the electric fence

once upon a time there lived a girl called sammi.She had a electric fence because when robers come the electric fence will hurt them.But once a rober came insidde the house.

Beach Party

the Story behind Catweazle

Topic: the story behind catweazle

why does catweazle live in a cave?
why is catweazle scaed of people?
why do lots of people chase him around?
why is he a wizard but he can't do much spells?
who wrote this story and when was it made?

What is my answer?
Where do the Greek gods live now? Mount Olympic.
Who were the Greeks? Not sure.
What do the Greek gods look like? Zeus has a white beard. Uranus - not sure.
How many Greek gods are there? I guess about 5.

The answers:
Where do the Greek gods live now? They lived on Mount Olympus. This is because it was a very high peak.
Who were the Greeks? They lived 4000 years ago. They came up with the first alphabet, and that word is from 'alpha'and 'beta'. They invented lots of the things we do today in science, government, art, philosophy, etc.
What do the Greek gods look like? They look a lot like us. Boys just have skirts and no t shirts, girls have dresses, and some of the girls have the same thing as the men. See picture. Click on link and then on the god, to find out about that god!
How many Greek gods are there? 12.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP_NeirFIkM

Video: http://www.google.co.nz/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ACAW_en___NZ458&q=youtube+the+greek+gods

Reasearch Brainstorm